India will be playing without the services of their regular ODI skipper, Virat Kohli who’s been rested for the time period of the Asia Cup. Instead, 29-year old Rohit will don the captain’s hat and the right-hander is already looking very charged up to give it his best shot. He recently posted a video of his practice session on the social media platform Instagram to give his fans a glimpse of what he’s been up to.
In the short clipping, ‘Hitman’ was seen practising a variety of shots in the outdoor nets, sweating it out before the important championship. Sharma captioned his practice video as “Kit up, pick your bat and focus on the next mission. #AsiaCup.” Recently, India concluded the month-long away series against England on an abysmal note, drawing much flak from critics and fans alike. The Test series against England saw the Indians fail miserably in the batting department, with the top-order looking particularly out of sorts.